Concerto Pour Une Voix(Two Angels) by Saint-Preux

I used to play this french composition on the organ when I was a teenager and feel in love with it. It has a bit of baroque question and answer as well as neo-classical complexity in some parts but what I love most is how the main and counter melody blend into each other.

This is one of the pieces that until today, I can play almost 90% of the song from memory and considering that it was some 15 years ago that I started playing this piece.

I have been looking around for a decent orchestra recording of this piece but could not find any in Singapore as most of the recordings are vocals and done in pop style without the counter melody and therefore does not do justice to the composer Saint Preux.

Perhaps it is because it is french and might have a limited following in the anglo-saxon influenced part of the world. If you find something interesting on this, drop me a note.


Peter Lye aka lkypeter

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