MF Global Debacle-Singapore Moral Chapter

What is the difference between gaming and proprietary trading? The most obvious is on how you place your bets. In gaming, it is primarily based on instinct. There are some theorems that by card counting in the game of black jack, you are almost guaranteed in placing a winning bet but let's leave this controversial practice aside for the time being as casino operators have proven that they are guaranteed to be winners the world over.

In proprietary trading, it is usually based on a whole lot of analysis on the predictable and visible The little left that is not predictable and blind corners, human instinct and experience complete the process and a bet is made. Perhaps this is why a gaming license is needed to operate a legitimate casino but for proprietary trading, the amount of control that the monetary regulators ( MAS is the case of Singapore is both the central bank as well as banking regulator ) depends largely on your funding source. If funded by sophisticated investors with no retailing to the general public, MAS does little to control proprietary trading as well as protecting their investors in the name of free market. MF Global melt down is now common knowledge but little is mentioned that they also have a Singapore branch. Before I forget, the local press did mention that SGX has frozen their operations here for exchange traded products to reduce SGX counter-party risk. How about their positions in non-exchange traded derivatives and the like and their local investors and counter-parties? SGX stands for Singapore Exchange and also operates as security and exchange regulator of the stock market. A bit like NYSE and SEC all rolled in one in USA for efficiency and not to possible defray conflict of interest.

Singapore has been showcased the world over as a miracle economy that managed to achieve spectacular growth in the face of adversity starting with a tiny island state with no natural endowment of mother nature except for her people and geographical location along the major maritime trade lanes of East and West. The one and only ruling party since her independence is the well known Peoples' Action Party ( PAP ) and till date, they still hold more than 2/3 of the seats in parliament enabling them to change constitution, laws and policies almost unilaterally. To add injury, being a parliamentary system, there is the party whip to keep their own members of parliament in line. PAP's success both in winning the mandate of the populace at every election as well as making and keeping Singapore successful is based on a pragmatic moralistic meritocracy strongly espoused by the founder of PAP Lee Kuan Yew and I suppose accounts partly for their choice of all white 'uniform'.

Hong Kong is big in proprietary trading but has no legalized gaming and the same goes for major financial centers like New York, Chicago, London, Tokyo and Frankfurt. Cities known for big league legalized gaming like Macao, Los Angeles, Atlantic City and Monte-Car-lo have limited proprietary trading. If we combine casino gaming or what Singapore government white washed label as 'Integrated Resort' and proprietary trading in the financial center into the same gaming sector, this might place the city of Singapore uniquely in the gaming capital of the world. Well done PAP.

Peter Lye aka lkypeter
Safe Harbor
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