Case for Socializing Healthcare Cost and Universal Healthcare in Singapore – Peter LYE, December 2016

Fate has it that 2 days after penning a healthcare article, Humpty Dumpty me slipped and fell on a rainy afternoon. A fractured finger and two damaged ligaments left me walking with crutches for 10 days and two fingers with limited utility for 8 weeks. The mountain of medical bills caused a free flow of ideals (not ideas) case for socializing healthcare cost and universal healthcare in my abode between my blood brain barrier putting both in sync ripe for physical impacts into the cerebral sphere thereafter into the physical resulting in this write-up.

The city state of Singapore that I share with about 5M more souls as home where ruling party PAP has not only a simple but two third majority since eons and a doctrine of party whip to complete the control. Small can be advantageous coupled with good political control makes her an ideal test bed for novel policies making reversals and titrations more viable with less extensive and tolerable collateral damage. Coincidentally or deliberately, Obama Care and Medishield Life universal healthcare was made law on the same day about a year ago on 1 Nov 2015.

Obama Care took nearly 2 presidential term of gestation in the senate and a somewhat pro-longed and dangerous birthing witnessed by intense congressional lobbying, horse trading and threat of presidential veto. Medishield Life entry was hardly noticeable except for a front page headline in the local press and of course months of public education campaign prior to that.

The passage of Obama Care is clearly over done as what The Economist term as Vetocracy the result of which could be compromised outcome. Medishield Life most probably represents the other extreme lack of feedbacks and robust parliamentary debate. With diverse parties having vested interest in it chief amongst which are healthcare, managed care and insurance providers, employers, employees, labour unions and last and most importantly 90% of the populace from the uninsured, unemployed, under-employed to the sandwich class, it certainly warrants a more robust debate in the case of Medishield Life but not to the extremities of Obama Care.

Two books were instrumental in shaping my ideological during my teens. Free to Choose which was also made into a ten-part TV serial (also broadcasted in Singapore I suspect as propaganda) by far right University of Chicago Professor Milton Friedman. The other centre left leaning Social Democracy The Singapore Way by our past president Devan Nair.

This cocktail unfortunately formed an ultra-right democratic capitalist psyche in me. As I mellowed, although still a deeply rooted democratic capitalist, I began to see the cracks in certain parts of my doctrine that might need to be supplemented (not supplanted) by socialism in some shape and form. Chief amongst which was Healthcare, Education and Welfare (HEW). Friedman commented that in one of the ten-part serial that it was ridiculous that the budget of USA Department of Health, Education and Welfare was larger than the GDP of USSR which covers a bigger patch previously before the dis-integration of USSR. Briefly, education is a great social leveller and welfare because the humanity in us will not allow us to deny the under-class the most basic essential for a humane existence.

Although universal healthcare has not attained universality, the very fact that it occupies agenda of many healthcare interest groups itself is a major milestone and human development index. At this stage, it mirrors the Chinese toy 不倒翁. It is easily swayed by any effort to topple it but will bounce back in no time. In the same breath, efforts to advance its cause is also easily reversed. Perhaps the case for universal healthcare is compelling with little or no alternatives in sight. The basic principles and doctrines needlessly complex and contentious. Given such a canvas that the actual mechanical operatives must operate on, it is easy to understand why universal healthcare whilst not easily defeated and erased off the global agenda is also 747 too heavy for lift off.

In-spite of the situation, universal healthcare has taken some promising shape or form although not in its totality in some countries like USA, Canada and Singapore.

Medishield Life as our flavour of universal healthcare in Singapore is most probably one small step for man but a giant leap for man-kind.

Just after a year into its existence, issues have surfaced. Chief amongst which are hike in premiums for Integrated Shield Plans which are an optional private plans, buffet syndrome of over consumption for Integrated Shield Plans which have no co-payment component and lastly, pay-out to premium ratios for the six participating private insurers are mostly in line with each other, the public Medishield Life is way below norm. Reasons abound for the differential from premium pricing, coverage, co-payment and lastly underwriting in the case of Integrated Shield Plan as MediShield Life being a universal healthcare insurance has no under-writing.

As we get our feet wet as we progress into the less chartered waters of universal healthcare with an aging demography, perhaps, it is too early to pop that champagne.

Peter Lye aka lkypeter Safe Harbor. Please note that information contained in these pages are of a personal nature and does not necessarily reflect that of any companies, organizations or individuals. In addition, some of these opinions are of a forward looking nature. Lastly the facts and opinions contained in these pages might not have been verified for correctness, so please use with caution. Happy Reading. Peter Lye (c) Peter Lye 2014